country: Egypt
city: Fayuom
address: شارع السنترال - الفيوم
phone: +20-1146464146
country: Egypt
city: Fayuom
address: شارع السنترال
phone: +20-1006007471
country: Egypt
city: Fayuom
address: شارع السنترال الفيوم
phone: +20-1022222074
country: Egypt
city: Fayuom
address: شارع السنترال بجوار كنيسه ماري مينا
phone: +20-1014122222
country: Egypt
city: Giza
address: 16 ش الاهرام (رامي) - بيجام - شبرا الخيمة
phone: +20-1287257519
country: Egypt
city: Giza
address: 161 Sudan St. - Corner of Aden St. - in front of Al Salam Shopping Center - Mohandessin - Giza
phone: +20-1990019900
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