country: Ethiopia
city: Mekelle
address: Tecno exclusive nesredin shop
phone: +251933333345
country: Ethiopia
city: Mekelle
address: Near betsuan cafe on dove cafe No2 ground floor
phone: +251342417580
country: Ethiopia
city: Merkato
address: Betel adebaby,ifront of wegagen bank,addis ababa ethiopia
phone: +251919333333
country: Ethiopia
city: Merkato
address: Ayer tena adebabay,around in ayer tena shool,addis ababa ethiopia
phone: +251910294164
country: Ethiopia
city: Merkato
address: Addis Ababa Shopping Center Block One ( Addis Ababa Ethiopia)
phone: +251902569352
country: Ethiopia
city: Merkato
address: Yirga Haile Shopping Center, In front of Anwar Mosque (Addis Ababa Ethiopia)
phone: +251913760745
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