country: Ethiopia
city: Bole
address: Bole Road Aberus Complex (Addis Ababa Ethiopia)
phone: +251910020252
country: Ethiopia
city: Bonga
address: Tecno Exclusive Menalu Bonga Shop
phone: +251919120340
country: Ethiopia
city: BuleHoraTown
address: Bule hora, in the back of bule hora bus station,bale hora, ethiopia
phone: +251912132167
country: Ethiopia
city: chagni
address: Tecno Exclusive Chagni Aman Shop
phone: +251930870030
country: Ethiopia
city: Dangila
address: Tecno Exclusive Dangila Aysheshim Shop
phone: +251-910032305
country: Ethiopia
city: DebreBirhan
address: debrebirhan, ethiopia
phone: +251-912953724
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