country: Kenya
city: Industrial Area
address: Mashariki Building, Ground floor Next to Quickmart kwa Chief
phone: +254-716900878
country: Kenya
city: Industrial Area
address: Ground floor,Sykas Building,next to Utawala family bank,along Eastern By Pass,Utawala,Nairobi,Kenya
phone: +254-110388375
country: Kenya
city: Isiolo
address: Solution sacco ltd building, ground floor, next to Equity Bank, Isiolo town.
phone: +254-797595272
country: Kenya
city: Isiolo
address: Isiolo shopping centre
phone: +254-742365987
country: Kenya
city: kagio
address: J.C Communication,kianjogu plaza,Baricho road,opposite main stage,kirinyaga county,Kenya
phone: 0721344299
country: Kenya
city: Kakamega
address: 1ST Floor mulika building,Canoon Awori street ,Kakamega Town , Kenya
phone: +254-791602722
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