country: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
city: Likasi
address: 6 boulevard de l'indépendance, Likasi
phone: +243-991211558
country: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
city: Lubumbashi
address: 18 Av/ Kapenda, Q/ Makutano, C/ Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi
phone: +243-814952292
country: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
city: Lubumbashi
address: 37, Avenue Sendwe, Makutano, Lubumbashi
phone: +243-979550255
country: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
city: Lubumbashi
address: av.84 Jason sendwe Q/Makutano C/Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi,Democratic Republic of the Congo
phone: +243-994822237
country: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
city: Lubumbashi
address: N37, Marché Kermesse, Kipushi
phone: +243-852825388
country: The Democratic Republic of the Congo
city: Matadi
address: 6 Av. Bruno Luemba, Q.Kinkanda, C. Matadi, Matadi
phone: +243-976125532
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