country: Uganda
city: Kasese
address: Kilembe road AK complex next to baby couch bus offices or Gaz petrol station room number 3
phone: +256-751214786
country: Uganda
city: Lira
address: Plot No.27(opp. Daily Fresh Bakery), Olwol Rd, Lira Town, Uganda
phone: +256-0783361907
country: Uganda
city: Masaka
address: Elgin street masaka city
phone: +256-787085985
country: Uganda
city: Masaka
address: Plot no8, level 1, Mpugga acarde, Elgin street, Masaka city, Uganda
phone: +256-787085985
country: Uganda
city: Mbarara
address: 1st floor Shop A Ebenezer Arcade (next to Crane Restaurant)Plot 65 High street
phone: +256-0704753635,+256-0771451549,+256-0779977428
country: Uganda
city: Rukungiri
address: Main street, Near round about, Rukungiri municipality
phone: +256-0775827012
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